March 2016 – Tips for Singers

That Pesky “eee” Sound

A problem that plagues many vocalists is finding the correct placement for the vowel “eee”, especially when singing in the upper range. What makes “eee” such a tricky one?

In order to say “eee” the back of the tongue has to be lifted close to touching the roof of the mouth. This position of the tongue works well in the lower range, but as you move up the range it does not provide enough space to prevent the voice from cracking and sounding squeaky.

As weird and uncomfortable as it might feel, the best technique is to learn to say “eee” with your throat expanded. This requires training. The feeling is similar to when you’re yawning, but you don’t want the person in front of you to notice, so you keep your mouth shut and yawn only with the back of your throat. Although the back of tongue will still be lifted, it won’t be touching the roof of your mouth, allowing you to open your mouth a little, making your high notes more resonant and stable.

How to Do It

  1. Open your mouth, relax your throat and make the sound “aww”.
  2. Without changing position or closing your mouth, make the sound “eee”. Notice how your tongue lifts up a little, without touching the roof of the mouth.
  3. Listen to this recording demonstrating the sound of “eee”.

Am I Doing It Right?

If you want to make sure that you’re following these instructions correctly and getting the proper results, feel free to send me a quick note with an mp3 recording of your “eee’s” for feedback:

Good luck!


Ready to bump it up a notch?

  1. Try a FREE Introductory Singing Lesson on Skype and get a feel for it. 

  2. Or sign up for my Singing For Busy People online course on Udemy and save $77!




Feel free to contact me about any singing-related issue or doubt that you might have. I will do my best to help you  find a solution for it.