How to Learn a Song Fast: Preparing for a Performance (Part 1)

When learning a new song most people tend to repeat the song over and over, hoping eventually to be able to sing it flawlessly. This approach, although helpful to memorize the melody and the lyrics, doesn’t address any “rough spot” that almost every song contains.

Here are a few tips to follow when you’re learning a song from scratch:

1) Memorize the melody

Learning the melody is essential in order to work on the song. Get a recording of the song and listen to it many times. You can also hum along with the recording to help you fix the melody in your mind.

2) Go through the song once or twice

Circle with a pencil all the “rough spots”. It can be a high note, a change of register, a word that’s particularly hard to pronounce, running out of breath, difficulty holding the pitch, and so on.

3) Address each issue separately

If you’re having a hard time with a high note, practice holding that particular note long enough to fine tune the placement and get more comfortable (long tone). Use the same vowel as the word you need to say on that note. For example, if the word is “love”, practice holding the vowel “uh” on that note. When you feel comfortable, practice saying the whole word and holding it for a few seconds. Lastly, practice singing the previous note followed by the tricky one. For example, if the words are “deep love”, practice transitioning from the word “deep” to the word “love”, until you feel comfortable and the transition is smooth.

If you’re struggling with a change of register practice going slowly from the note in one register to the note in the other register. Take the time to hold each note long enough to make sure they’re placed correctly. When that’s the case, not only will they sound good, but you’ll also feel comfortable and relaxed singing them. Then gradually practice making the transition more quickly, making sure that the quality of sound stays good and you remain relaxed. (to be continued)


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Posted in Tips for Singers.