Are You Trying Too Hard?

by Ramesha Nani

free singing tipsA few years ago I read a quote from a great musician and composer of the 18th century whose name escapes me. He said “Those who don’t do too much, aren’t doing enough.” Even though I couldn’t figure out why, I remember feeling that he was wrong. Too much is simply too much!

Every worthwhile goal requires a huge amount of energy, concentration, and effort, but that most certainly doesn’t mean that there’s not room in the process for relaxation. In fact, we can’t concentrate deeply if we’re not relaxed. Our efforts will only generate increasing amounts of physical and mental tension, diverting our focus toward the strain, rather than keeping it on the task at hand.

In singing, relaxation is paramount! A tense throat will never produce strong, resonant, and reliable sounds. Even while doing one’s best to work on the many details of good vocal production, we need to allow room for relaxation. I remember once, during one of my voice lessons, my teacher told me “Remember to focus on this, and that, and also that…” After a few minutes she added “You’re thinking too much! Relax!” I felt like I couldn’t win! But later on I got what she meant: concentrate, but without tension.

Have you ever had the experience of being stuck on a problem and relaxing and letting it go, only to find the solution present itself, often in an unexpected manner? This process works well with singing. When you repeatedly fail to get the sound you want, it’s often a good idea to stop and take a break. You can free yourself of the physical and mental tension blocking your efforts with a short walk or deep breathing.

Performing singers need to include practicing relaxation as part of their vocal training. Why? Because of the all too common tendency to be nervous in front of an audience. Nervousness will trigger an already existing physical tension, noticeably compromising the vocal quality. Nervousness is not always easy to control, but the conscious practice of relaxing the body and mind and make that a habit significantly lessens its influence on our voice.

[If you want to learn how to deeply relax your body and throat, click here. If you need help with stage fright, read this article.]

An important part of vocal training for most singers is ridding the throat muscles of needless tension. Vocal relaxation is essential to being a truly good singer. Without it, most of the energy and focus is directed toward the throat, rather than on the music you’re sharing with your audience. It’s like trying to write an inspired poem with a defective pen: your focus is always on on the pen, rather than on the flow of inspiration. Free vocal coaching on Facebook Live!

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When: Thursday, June 22 2017 at 11:30 PDT

Where: On my Facebook Page (please go there and like it if you haven’t yet!)

How to join: 

  1. ​Go to my Facebook page
  2. Like it and follow it
  3. Once that’s done, you will receive an invitation from me through Facebook to join the live broadcast on Thursday, June 22 at 11:30.


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How to Boost Your Chest Voice and Why

Incorrect use of the low rang is one of the most common issues that I run into in working with singers. Most women resist singing in their chest voice and tend to sing everything in their head voice. I believe this is because it’s easier and the quality of the tone is more ethereal and less masculine.

There are significant problems with this approach:

  1. The voice in the low range sounds weak and breathy
  2. It’s extremely difficult to sing low notes as they simply won’t come out!
  3. It’s impossible to sing loud in the low range. Volume decreases the lower you sing.
  4. The quality of the tone is often gravelly.

There can be other reasons for not wanting to use the chest voice, ones that are rooted in our emotions and psyche. I discovered this while helping public speakers develop a strong, resonant speaking voice.

A strong, yet relaxed speaking voice is deeply connected to self-confidence. Often those who speak with a breathy voice were told many times as a child to be quieter. They may have been told to not sing, or to just lip sync because they were judged to be inadequate singers. When working with these students and we touch on making their voices fuller, buried emotions are often released, revealing the deep connection between the voice and our emotions. Working on the voice acts as a catalyst to bring deeply rooted issues to the surface.

A full voice communicates clarity of expression and conviction. If it’s forced out it’s often perceived as revealing insecurity. A voice that is full, strong, resonant, and without strain, conveys an attitude of self-confidence that is not imposing and is without ulterior motive. This predisposes the audience to be more receptive to you and what you have to share.

For a singer, a full, resonant voice means a larger “bandwidth”, better suited to sharing energy and inspiration. The correct use of the chest voice ensures that inspiration is grounded, practical, and accessible by the audience. Fullness and volume are but one aspect of what you are offering to your audience. Remember to remain open to the flow of inspiration, which can only work unimpeded when you get the ego out of the way.

Learning to balance strength and self-confidence with selfless expression of inspiration is a constant process of fine-tuning and recalibrating our intentions as performers. The reward, however, is the growing, overwhelming realization that we are part of something much greater, and through singing, we can access this and share it with the world.


How to REALLY Sing – How to Be a Charismatic Singer

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That Pesky “eee” Sound

by Ramesha Nani

A problem that plagues many vocalists is finding the correct placement for the vowel “eee”, especially when singing in the upper range. What makes “eee” such a tricky one?

In order to say “eee” the back of the tongue has to be lifted close to touching the roof of the mouth. This position of the tongue works well in the lower range, but as you move up the range it does not provide enough space to prevent the voice from cracking and sounding squeaky.

As weird and uncomfortable as it might feel, the best technique is to learn to say “eee” with your throat expanded. This requires training. The feeling is similar to when you’re yawning, but you don’t want the person in front of you to notice, so you keep your mouth shut and yawn only with the back of your throat. Although the back of tongue will still be lifted, it won’t be touching the roof of your mouth, allowing you to open your mouth a little, making your high notes more resonant and stable.

How to Do It

  1. Open your mouth, relax your throat and make the sound “aww”.
  2. Without changing position or closing your mouth, make the sound “eee”. Notice how your tongue lifts up a little, without touching the roof of the mouth.
  3. Listen to this recording demonstrating the sound of “eee”.

Am I Doing It Right?

If you want to make sure that you’re following these instructions correctly and getting the proper results, feel free to send me a quick note with an mp3 recording of your “eee’s” for feedback:

Good luck!


Ready to bump it up a notch?

  1. Try a FREE Introductory Singing Lesson on Skype and get a feel for it. 

  2. Or sign up for my Singing For Busy People online course on Udemy and save $77!




Feel free to contact me about any singing-related issue or doubt that you might have. I will do my best to help you  find a solution for it.

The Voice of Confidence And Trust

by Ramesha Nani

Asha TalkingWhat gives confidence to your presentations and talks? And what makes your audience feel that they can trust you? There can be many factors: your content, your knowledge of the topic, your personality, your magnetism and charisma, etc.

All of the above have one common denominator: time. It takes your audience some time to find out that your content is good, that you’re knowledgeable, that your personality is fun and trustworthy, and that you’re a magnetic speaker.

There is one element that deeply impacts your audience as soon as you begin speaking: the sound and quality of your voice. In just a few seconds, your voice can convey confidence or reveal concealed insecurity; it can give people a relaxed feeling of receptivity and trust or betray an attitude of self-interest and greed.

How can we convey confidence and make our audience trust us through the sound of our voice?

A voice considered well placed has two main characteristics: fullness of sound and resonance. Interestingly, these are also the hallmarks of confidence and trust. A full, strong voice conveys confidence. But that’s not enough to make your audience receptive and trusting. Radio speakers are good examples of voices that are full but not necessarily relaxed and resonant. They may convey confidence, but if they don’t also have roundness and resonance they tend to be rather “invasive” and restless, and these are not feelings that foster receptivity and trust.

You can make your voice full by training your vocal cords to close completely when producing a sound. If the vocal cords aren’t completely closed, some breath may “leak through” and produce an airy sound instead of a full one. Here’s an exercise that will help you develop a full voice.

Vocal resonance can be developed by allowing your voice to use your face and sinuses as sounding boards. When this happens, your voice automatically becomes smoother, rounder, and even louder. You are able to project your sound far, even without the use of a microphone.

Developing your voice’s resonance can sometimes take a while. You can start the process by practicing this simple exercise.

Please keep in mind that changing the sound of your voice, which you’ve had for as long as you’ve been alive, may take time, dedication and patience. Give yourself time to practice these simple exercises. If you’re really serious about learning the correct and most effective use of your speaking voice, you can check out my online Voice Training Programs for Speaker, or take my online course on Udemy called YOUR SPEAKING VOICE: Hidden Keys to Influence & Confidence. (This link will give you 87% OFF the regular price, only until March 6 2016 at 11:59 PST)

Release the Voice Inside

Release the Voice Inside!

by Ramesha Nani

Voice IssuesOne of the most common vocal issues that speakers run into is the habit of speaking in a lower range than what is natural. This creates problems, such as vocal fatigue and hoarseness. It also makes the voice sound harsh and strained, conveying a sense of discomfort and tension.

I’ve been trying to understand why so many speakers do this, and recently a few of my students gave me the answer.

S. contacted me a few months ago to get some help with his speaking voice. He is a yoga teacher, and was frustrated with the sound of his voice. As I listened to him, I understood what was going on: his voice was not placed correctly, and he was speaking in a lower vocal range than what was natural and appropriate for him. This made the sound soft and muffled, even though I could tell that he was making a valiant effort to project it. I remember comparing it to driving a car with the emergency brake on!

After a couple of sessions, S. shared a profound insight with me. He had come to the realization that there was a deeper reason that he was not projecting his voice; years of insecurity and fear of saying the wrong thing. He said that working on developing his voice made him aware of the importance of facing his fears and insecurity. Working on his voice was a catalyst that brought unresolved issues from the past to the surface so that he could see them and release them.

G. asked me for help with her speaking voice. She was working on a project and needed to record some affirmations to go with the beautiful music played by her husband. She’s a singer and has a lovely soprano voice. However, observing her speaking voice I noticed that she was unconsciously forcing her voice to speak in a lower range, making it sound strained and almost masculine. Not only was her beautiful voice unrecognizable, but she was blocking energy and inspiration from flowing through her voice, speaking in a monotone which rendered the reading rather dull.

I asked her to raise her pitch and allow her natural sound to flow freely. I recorded her voice before and after, to help her notice the difference in sound and energy. When she heard it, she burst into tears. She told me that when she was a little girl she was a student at a catholic school. During her time there, she was often reprimanded for her loud voice, and was forced to speak more softly, or even better still, to not speak at all! As a result, over the years, she got used to stifling her voice, which forced her down to the bottom of her vocal range. This can be compared to living for years in a room with a low ceiling that prevents you from standing up straight.

When she spoke in her natural range, the difference was amazing. There was so much more energy, confidence, and light coming through her voice. It made what she was saying more compelling and interesting, even though she was reading exactly the same passage as before.

These experiences, and many others, have convinced me beyond any doubt that developing your speaking voice has much deeper ramifications than we might think. Our voice is so much a part of our personality; it’s our personal trademark. Every human being is special and unique, with a sound that’s also special and unique. However, most of us have covered this precious jewel with the mud of bad vocal habits, tension and negative emotions. Working on your voice can help remove that mud, allowing the jewel of your natural, true sound to shine once again.

Voice Can Affect a Presidential Canditate’s Success

Yep! The voice IS your primary tool of communication…

Voters tend to prefer politicians with deeper voices, according to an analysis that political scientist Casey Klofstad conducted of the 2012 election for the House of Representatives. He says deeper voices might be perceived as a sign of strength and competence, helping candidates win the seat. Susan Miller, a vocal coach who has also analyzed the voices of politicians, says variance in pitch is another key factor in making a voice pleasing to the ear….

Read more

Why Does My Voice Get Hoarse?

Hoarse voice“My voice gets tired and hoarse when speaking for long periods of time and/or to a large audience.”

This is probably the most common vocal issue public speakers who have untrained voices run into. Why?

It takes real vocal endurance to speak to large groups of people for extended periods of time. Think about what athletes go through in order to develop physical strength and endurance. They learn correct technique and train for increasingly long periods of time every day. They follow a strict diet, take high quality supplements, and get plenty of rest. Their whole life revolves around maintaining peak physical condition. They don’t mind the sacrifice because not only is it their passion, their livelihood depends on it.

Almost every speaker and teacher I know spends a lot of time perfecting the content of their talks or classes, making it engaging, compelling, and fun. What very few realize, though, is that the first thing listeners are aware of when you start speaking, is the sound of your voice. If you find yourself straining in order to speak more loudly, or pushing your voice down in pitch to give it more authority, or if your voice gets hoarse and tired after prolonged talking, you are most certainly not using it properly.

So far we only talked about vocal endurance and the physical issues that can develop when the voice is used improperly, but there are other, more subtle repercussions as well.

When you strain your voice in order to speak loudly, or force it lower in pitch to sound more authoritative, the resulting tension will come through in the sound of your voice, subtly conveying a feeling of stress and lack of confidence. Your listeners may feel slightly uncomfortable without really understanding why, since on a more conscious level they might be enjoying the content of what you have to say. What has happened is simply that your voice image doesn’t match the quality and energy of your message.

Coming back to the physical aspect of the voice: if you have still more speaking to do later that same day–or even the next, you’ll have to strain and force your already tired voice even more, and so the vicious cycle continues.
Over time this can be fatal to your voice, leading to injuries such as nodules, polyps, or contact ulcers, which are caused by vocal abuse. It’s well worth the time and effort to learn to use your voice properly, so you can speak without tension and with increased resonance–a natural voice amplifier that increases not just volume, but also overtones, making the sound richer and more beautiful. The end result is that you sound louder without having to “push” your voice.

Do You Like the Sound of Your Voice?

child-covering-ears1“I don’t like the sound of my voice, especially on a recording”

This is a very common complaint. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who, after listening to their recorded voice for the first time, said “Wow, what a great voice I have!” Listening even to one of your own voice messages can be a humbling experience, because you suddenly realize what your voice really sounds like.
Although this can be discouraging, there’s no need to despair. First of all, you have to realize that what you hear when you speak is not the same as what others hear, because you hear your voice not only from the outside, but from the inside as well. Of course, what you hear on the inside sounds fuller and richer due to the resonance within your sinus cavities.

Once you begin the process of learning how to use your voice correctly, you will find that gradually your sound becomes deeper and richer in overtones. It’s like adding an extra sounding board to a string instrument. All of a sudden, sounds that were thin and weak become alive with resonance and beauty. As your voice develops, and you learn to relax your throat more completely, you unfold the natural potential of your sound, allowing your voice to convey more clearly who you are and what you seek to communicate. When this happens, you will automatically start to like the sound of your voice, because you will find it more and more suited to give depth and resonance to what you have to say.

If you make your living as a speaker, teacher, salesman, preacher, counselor, or something similar, you belong to the category of professionals for whom the voice can make a huge difference in their work. Especially if you do much work using the telephone, your voice can become one of your best tools for conveying trust, honesty, and integrity.

“Your voice is your personal trademark. It serves as a calling card, presenting you and your ideas and your personality to a judgmental world.” (Dr. Morton Cooper, Ph. D, speech and voice doctor)

Here’s an exercise that will help improve the sound of your voice*
Stand or sit upright. Become aware of your shoulders and make sure they’re relaxed, away from your ears. Inhale gently and slowly through your nose, inflating your midsection and making sure your shoulders stay relaxed. Then exhale gently and slowly through your mouth, feeling the midsection slowly deflate. Repeat 3-5 times. Now inhale again as before; as you exhale, make a prolonged humming sound “hmmm” followed by “aaaaaaah”, as your midsection slowly deflates. It’s very important that you keep your lips relaxed while humming. You should feel a buzzing sensation there.  When you switch to “aaah” you should just lower your jaw. Don’t tense your throat or lips.

The purpose of this exercise is to bring more rsonance into your face (mask). This accomplishes two things: it makes your voice louder, richer, and smoother. It also takes tension away from the throat, making it possible to speak without getting tired.

*Special tip: Don’t pick a note that’s too low in pitch. Any note above C3 (for guys) and C4 (for women) would be ideal.


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