My Story

How I Started Singing – My Story

One of the main features of a professional in any field is the ability to make what they do look easy and effortless.

The same happens in music and singing, of course. Because singing comes easy for me, people tend to think that I was born with that ability, and all I had to do was open my mouth and let the voice do the rest.

Not at all!

Developing my voice was hard work that took years. In many ways, it’s still going on, because I think you’re never really done refining and improving your technique.

In the video below I tell my story of how I started singing and the challenges I went through. I thought it might inspire you, in case you’re someone who loves singing, but they think that they’re not gifted enough to try it.




➡️ What about you? Are you ready to improve your singing?

Let me hold your hand as you take your first step:

free voice lesson


Posted in Tips for Singers.