Stage Fright

Overcoming Stage Fright: 3 Strategies That Work!

Have you ever had the experience of singing in front of people, even friends or family, and feeling absolutely terrorized??

You know a song inside and out, you’ve sung it a gazillion times, and yet, when you’re there in front of everyone, you forget lyrics, your voice shakes, your breath is short…It’s so frustrating!

Some singers struggle with this more than others, often throughout their entire life. 😳

No worries, though! There are ways to deal with this that can help minimize the “symptoms”, if not eliminate them altogether.

In the video below I list 3 strategies to overcome stage fright that have worked for me over the years. Try them and tell me what you think!



➡️ Your confidence will increase in proportion to how vocally proficient you are!

Let me hold your hand as you take your first step:


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Posted in Tips for Singers.